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About Us

The Lore of the Ostrich

The Lore of the Ostrich is known to few. For those in the know, a great responsibility lies heavily upon their head. Many will carry this knowledge and duty to the grave. Be patient: some day, somebody may bestow the knowledge of the Lore upon you.

Until that day: Do not believe the lies told about the regal Ostrich. Against popular belief, the world's largest bird does NOT bury its head in the sand. This is a slanderous rumor begun by it's many enemies in various governments. While quite successful and extremely pervasive, this rumor will not destroy or affect the power of the Ostrich. He knows the lie. He remains: head held high.

As time ticks by, the Ostrich endures. He searches for you. Be ready.

Spot the Ostrich... with head held high.


The Chivery


The Chivery

John and Leo, the brothers who brought you theChive, have been on a quest. They search not for El Dorado, Bigfoot, nor the Fountain of Youth. Nay, these two captains of men have been on a worldwide hunt for the softest, most astoundingly comfortable T-Shirts in all the land. They've scoured the earth: from the peaks of the Himalayas to the wastelands of the Sahara; from the depths of the Amazon to the frozen tundra of Siberia... all in pursuit of bringing you the T-Shirts that you'll love to wear, with those fresh, simple designs you crave. Be proud, Chiver. Be proud.

When you catch a fellow Chiver wearing one of these amazing shirts, the two of you instantly have a telepathic connection of Awesomeness flowing betwixt you. Across the way you see each other, you give them The Nod, and telepathically text them, “Yes, Chiver. Oh, yes... I get it. And yes, these Probably are the Best Tees in the World.”

Get to Know

Patrick McManis

AKA “Patty” is general manager for The Chivery. Already having dedicated himself to the subtle arts of debauchery, he moved to the only place that would accept him, LA. After various half-hearted attempts to “make it” as a working actor, Patty resigned himself to profitably managing a retail store in general obscurity for the rest of his existence. Fortune smiled, however, when John and Leo plucked Patty from inside Plato’s cave and installed him as a part of theCHIVE team.

Zachary Lee

Jack of all trades in the office. Acting as Media Director, he maintains all the media in and out of The Chivery and enjoys being thrown into very hilarious and sometimes awkward situations, which is a normal occurrence here at the office.

Kyle Shafer

AKA “UNO” the Product/Inventory Manager (extraordinaire) for The Chivery. He has an unbridled love for life that has slammed him head-first into a boatload of situations that he can tell his grandchildren one day - as long as he can remember them. When he's not chasing down babes on the boardwalk on his unicycle whilst juggling, or repeatedly landing on his head, Kyle is dedicated to make sure you're getting the best shirts ever made whilst ensuring they're landing on your doorsteps. Making clothes makes his heart pitter-patter.

Monique Kattan

AKA Bronique, is the official Chivette fluffer. Assisting with product development & design of the Chivette line, curating theBERRY’s food porn posts, & shotgunning beers is just a normal day

Taylor Page Robinson

CA native Taylor found himself riding into San Diego on a BMX, where he learned how to make pretty colors and shapes on a computer. He’ll crash your pool party, dinner party, or political party in a top hat, vest, and suspenders. Taylor is in the business of fun, and business is booming.

Justina McMahand

A WSU Coug, potato chip connoisseur, sci-fi lover, and “Dawson’s Creek” encyclopedia. You can find her folding, helping with photoshoots, tweeting/fb’ing/instagramming for theCHIVERY, or yelling at Mac to get in the van.